Hair smoothing recipes

Hair smoothing recipes

know, my dear, that you are always beautiful and attractive; You are God’s creation and creation, and God Almighty created you in the best form, so know that you are beautiful with your manners, beautiful with your gentleness and femininity, beautiful with your hair, and know, my lady, that your hair is always beautiful, beautiful with different style, beautiful with different color, beautiful with different color, your hair is my lady and it is soft It is characterized by classicism, and your hair, dear, which is coarse or curly, is characterized by its naughtiness, and your hair, which is long, is characterized by its attractiveness, and your hair, which is short, is distinguished by its gentleness, even with different colors. Every color in you is charming and dangerous, you are always beautiful because you are the creator of the Almighty, but sometimes some women with curly, coarse or curly hair want to change, or when their hair becomes dry, or difficult to comb and arrange; They resort to smoothing their hair.

(All hair care products are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Here, dear, are the best natural ways to soften hair, which are often available in every home, and are also characterized by their low cost.

Hair smoothening recipes:

(All products of softness, smoothness and strength are available in Adam's pharmacy).

  • Egg recipe with olive oil and mayonnaise to soften hair:

It is known that eggs are characterized by containing the highest percentage of protein, which is very important for hair as it nourishes the hair and increases its density, as it works to moisturize it, and helps to soften it.

Olive oil is also characterized by its great benefits for hair, as it nourishes the hair, helps its freshness, and contributes to repairing hair defects. The olive tree is an honorable tree, and God Almighty swears by it: “and figs and olives,” and olive oil is characterized by its great effective ability to moisturize and soften hair


  • . Egg recipe with olive oil and mayonnaise to soften the hair:

Beat an egg and mix with it 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise.The

mixture is placed on the hair, taking into account the massage of the hair well from the roots to the ends 

Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutesWash

Cover the hair with a plastic hair cap, or a shower cap

the hair well with cold water and shampoo

You can repeat the process once a week

  • The recipe for fenugreek with yogurt and olive oil to soften hair:

The fenugreek is rich in lysine, which contributes significantly to moisturizing the hair, and giving it the necessary flexibility It also helps to moisturize the scalp and treat dandruff, and the fenugreek also helps to soften

  • the hair.Prepare the recipe for fenugreek with yogurt and olive oil to soften hair:

Soak 4 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water for a night

. A coherent mixture.

Then add to the ring 1 teaspoon of yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Put the mixture on the hair, and massage it well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 1 hour, and cover the hair with a plastic cap, or a shower cap.

Wash hair well with warm water and shampoo.

Repeat the process every week.

(All hair oils are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

  • Aloe vera gel (aloe vera) to soften hair:

Since ancient times, people have known the effectiveness of aloe vera with hair, as its benefits are numerous. It contains important vitamins and minerals to maintain hair health and freshness; Which helps to soften the hair, and also helps to moisturize it.

  • How to use aloe vera gel to soften hair:

The fresh gel is placed on the hair.

Massage the hair well from the roots to the ends.

Leave the gel on the hair for 15 minutes.

Wash the hair with water.

You can repeat this process 2 times a week. 

  • Avocado-yogurt mixture to soften hair:

 Avocado is very useful for hair, as the fatty acids it contains help hair absorb vitamins and minerals; Which helps hair growth, and also helps to provide moisture to it, which helps to get rid of dry hair.

Avocado also helps to promote hair growth, and also reduces hair loss, as it strengthens hair and also protects it from sunlight.

The effectiveness of avocado is increased with yogurt, which helps to soften the hair. 

  • How to prepare the avocado mixture with yogurt to soften the hair:

Mix 2 teaspoons of yogurt with one mashed avocado.

The mixture is placed on the hair, and massaged well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap. 

Wash well with water and shampoo.

You can repeat this process 2 times a week.

  • Mayonnaise mixture to soften hair:

Mayonnaise is rich in proteins that help hair growth, help nourish it and repair its defects, and mayonnaise is effective in softening hair.

  • How to prepare the mayonnaise mask to soften hair:

A layer of mayonnaise is placed on the hair.

Massage the hair with mayonnaise well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mayonnaise on the hair for 60 minutes, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Wash hair with water and shampoo.

You can repeat this process 1 time per week, or every 5 days.

  • A mixture of bee honey and olive oil or coconut oil to soften hair:

It is known that bee honey has great benefits for the body and hair; It moisturizes the hair and resists dryness, and also helps to restore its luster, and also helps to soften the hair.

  • How to prepare a mixture of honey with olive oil or coconut oil to soften hair:

- Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil.

The mixture is placed on the hair, and massaged well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap.

(All oil replacement are available at Adam's pharmacy).

  • Banana fruit to soften hair:

Banana fruit is one of the richest fruits in potassium, which helps to soften hair, helps moisturize hair, treats dryness, and prevents breakage.

  • Prepare a banana mask:

A large banana is mashed.

The mashed fruit is well placed on the hair, taking into account the massage well until the mask reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

The mask is left on the hair for an hour, covered with a plastic cap, or a shower cap.

Rinse the mask well with water.

You can repeat this process 2 times a week.

  • Mixture of sesame oil with vinegar to soften hair:

Sesame oil is rich in auxiliary oils that help moisturize hair, as it helps moisturize hair, helps treat dry hair, and also has the ability to soften hair.

  • Prepare a mixture of sesame oil with hair:

Mix 2 tablespoons of sesame oil with 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Massage the hair well with the mixture, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 15 minutes, taking care to cover it with a warm towel, or warm the hair from above the towel with a hot hair dryer without extravagance.

Repeat this process 1 time per week.

  • Apple cider vinegar to soften hair:

It is known that apple cider vinegar benefits hair and combats its defects. It has the ability to moisturize the hair and give it vitality, as it gives the hair shine and luster, and also helps to soften it.

  • How to prepare a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water to soften hair:

Mix a quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter of a cup of water.

Apply the mixture to the hair and massage well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and the ends of the hair.

Rinse the mixture with water. 

You can repeat this process 1 time per week. 

  • Green celery puree to soften hair:

It is known that celery enhances blood circulation in the head, which helps intensify it, and also helps moisturize the hair, which treats dryness, as it resists graying of the head, and may help to soften hair. 

  • How to prepare minced celery to soften hair:

1 bunch of celery is finely chopped, and mixed with a little hot water.

Leave the mixture for the whole night.

The mixture is placed on the hair, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the head for 1 hour, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Repeat this process 2 times a week.

Commandments to maintain the softness of your hair:

- Take into account the use of the appropriate shampoo for your hair, and this is after trying it and making sure that it is suitable for your hair, and not to harm it.

Take into account the use of the appropriate cream for your hair, and this is also after trying it and making sure that it is suitable for your hair.

Taking care of the hair on a daily basis and combing it, and it is taken into account when combing that the comb has wide teeth.

- It should be taken into account that the balm does not come into contact with your scalp, and it should not be used excessively. So as not to dry out the hair.


We offer hair straighteners.

We mentioned natural and inexpensive recipes that help soften hair.

and the precautions that a woman should take when dealing with her hair; To protect her hair from drying out, splitting and falling, as well as roughness.


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